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Central Plains Dressage Society INC
USDF Region 9's newest GMO
CPDS was established in 2018 and has grown every year since. The GMO offers 6 USDF/USEF recognized shows, 5 USEF Western Dressage Lite shows, and over 15 schooling shows. Additionally the club supports many educational and social activities. They live by the motto:
Fun, Friendly, Forward
For more information regarding Central Plains Dressage Society including membership, policies and procedures, bylaws, sponsorships, etc.
please visit our website at

Click the paypal link above to pay for any Central Plains Dressage Society show or membership. Be certain to include a note in the memo line indicating which show and horse/rider combination the payment is covering.
Click on the following pages for information about CPDS show entries, ride times, results, awards, programs, etc.
2025 Schooling Show Championships
2025 Recognized Show Championships - Dressage & Western Dressage