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Central Plains Dressage Society
Schooling Show Championships
Valley View Equestrian Center in Stillwater, OK
October 18, 2025
Judge: Renee Johnson "S" and "R" (WD)
Open Show and Championship Show Classes – October 18
You must be a member of CPDS (or pay the $25 non member fee) to ride in a championship class.
​Qualifying for Dressage and Western Dressage Championship Classes
Rider/horse team qualify with two scores of 56% or higher (one score for FEI) at a CPDS schooling show during 2025. Qualifying scores can be from any test of the level.
Championship Test
Championship classes will be the highest test of each level except introductory level which will be test B.
Prize and neck ribbon to first. Rosettes will be awarded to 6th place.
Central Plains Regional Schooling Show Championship awards will be separated into JR/YR, Adult Amateur; Open for the following levels:
Introductory Level
Training Level
First Level
Second Level
Third Level
Fourth Level
Prix St Georges
I-I and I-II
Grand Prix
Freestyle Test of Choice
ParaEquestrian–all levels
Western Dressage Introductory Level
Western Dressage Basic Level
Western Dressage Level 1
Western Dressage Level 2
Western Dressage Level 3
Western Dressage Level 4
Western Dressage Level 5
Western Dressage Freestyle TOC
Sport Horse In Hand
Working Equitation (Levels to be determined)