Show manager, show secretary, website design, membership research, sponsorship programs

We offer a large variety of services ranging from show management to developing sponsorship program to awards programs to marketing plans for equestrian businesses.

Horse Show Services
Before the Show Management and Secretary Activities
Secure judges and TD selected by show committee and execute contracts
Prepare Omnibus page
File paperwork for show dates and recognitions with USDF/USEF/SWDC/AQHA
Prepare show budget for board
Prepare and submit prize list for USDF/USEF approval
Set travel plan and contact list for judges and TD
Accept and check entries
Assist competitors with entry questions and special requests.
Schedule ride times
Make stalling assignments
Run test copies
Order bridle numbers
Order ribbons and prizes
Inventory left over awards and order replacement awards
Prepare judges packets
Prepare stall cards and attach to stalls on move-in day
Prepare and print show day sheets
Write emergency plan
Assist with program content
During the Show Management and Secretary Activities
Check in competitors
Sell and insure delivery of extra shavings orders
Maintain day sheet and make accommodations to competitors as needed
Oversee scoring including calculation of high points
Input scores and submit results to USDF/USEF/SWDC
Coordinate arena maintenance schedule
Check in volunteers
Oversee warmup
Set up and remove arena(s)
Hire announcer, EMT, farrier, vet
Post Show Management and Secretary Activities
Follow up with USEF/USDF regarding any concerns expressed
Mail tests and ribbons that competitors forgot to pick up
Calculate USDF/USEF/SWDC payments and complete post competition reports
Update show spreadsheet describing revenue and expenses
Store awards for next show
Send thank you notes to sponsors and voluteers
Competitor Services
Explain entry requirements for recognized and schooling shows
Describe benefits of national and local organizations
Assist with setting realistic goals at the local and national level
USDF awards
​All-breeds awards
Horse of the year awards
Rider awards (medals, etc.)
Regional Championships
WDAA Lifetime Program
Schooling show and local awards
Assistance with completing entry blanks including online entry.

Show Equipment & Memberships
3 full sized arenas; 1 short arena
4 sets of letters
Photo Backdrop
Office equipment (computers, copier, printers)
2-way radios (set of 10 recharagable)
Judges table skirts
Show management software (www.horseshowoffice.com) that supports paperless showing!
Online entry
Webcast capabilities and video sales
Show supplies (gloves, clipboards, whistles, pens, etc)
United States Equestrian Federation
United State Dressage Federation
Western Dressage Association of America
American Quarter Horse Association
Arabian Horse Association
OK State Racing license
Central Plains Dressage Society

Equestrian Business and Marketing Consulting
Marketing Plan Development
Business Analysis
PhD in marketing with 32 years experience

Website / Social Media
Website development & maintenance
Equestrian collegiate recruiting websites
Search engine optimization
Coordination of social media
Club / GMO Services
Survey reseach of membership
Development of year-end awards rules
Maintenance of year-end award standings
Development and implementation of local level championship programs and show series
Develop sponsorship programs